CSR policy

Sustainability has been a core focus for Sarawak since its inception. For over twenty years, we’ve been committed to reducing our carbon emissions and minimizing our environmental impact. By leveraging our digital system, its data, and the continuous improvement of our methods and processes, we strive to optimize planning and organization, ultimately reducing our CO2 emissions.
These are not just our goals; we firmly believe they also bring added value to our employees and customers. With us, customers are consistently impressed by our commitment to high quality, continuous improvement, and sustainable growth. Spice Up Your Brand!
Sarawak Netherlands applies the motto “People First” and has been investing in the development of the talents of its employees for more than twenty years in order to improve long-term results for our customers. We offer training, have our own Academy and reward employees for their good work. We help to develop the potential of our employees, so that everyone can do something they are PROUD of every day.
We take our social responsibilities seriously, realizing that every decision can have major consequences. There is no such thing as a small impact, only big causes.
Read more below about how we deal with the subject of sustainability from our CSR Policy.

Eind 2022 hebben wij 7.500 euro geschonken aan Stichting Maria Magdalena. Deze Alkmaarse stichting helpt jongeren wiens omstandigheden niet meezitten om hun plekje op onze wereld te creëren. Deze jongeren worden ondersteund op de gebieden waar ze op vastlopen; huisvesting, financiën, werk en mentale support. Wij hebben voor een partnership met deze stichting gekozen omdat zij echt lokaal in Alkmaar en omgeving jongeren helpen. Jongeren staan ons nauw aan het hart en wij kunnen de stichting niet alleen met financiële middelen ondersteunen, maar ook met spullen, kennis en eventueel werk.

Schenking Stichting Maria Magdalena