The secret to successful POS materials? Smart management and maximum impact

Complete visibility and control over your POS materials, even while they are stored in our warehouse? Whether it’s campaign-based, monthly shipments, or through an order portal, we offer those insights! Logistics from a Sales and Marketing perspective is what Sarawak Marketing Logistics is all about. We provide logistical services for marketing materials, aiming to maximize the return on these materials.

As soon as POS materials arrive in our warehouse, our team gets to work. We check the quality, quantities, and packaging of the items. If anything doesn’t match the agreed specifications, we immediately contact the client. If everything is in order, we log the materials into our Salesforce system, giving the client real-time insight into the materials and their status.

Campaign-Based Shipments

We are fully cloud-based on the Salesforce platform, integrated with our Warehouse Management System. This forms the foundation for receiving, storing, and shipping materials. All the activities we perform are linked to your sales points, which we refer to as your “Account Locations.” At these locations, we create profiles for your sales points, allowing us to know exactly which type and quantity of POS material should be sent to each location. We can also provide ordering advice.

The database of Account Locations is updated in real-time and can be edited by various stakeholders—such as Area Managers—simultaneously. This allows for quick adjustments, especially during a new campaign rollout. Even during large shipping rounds of 300 to 500 locations, “custom orders” can still be made. This helps prevent POS materials from not being placed or wasted. Additionally, all shipments can be tracked via track & trace, both by us and the client.

Timely Destruction of Slow Movers

Since all activities are registered in our online portal, you can follow shipment statuses and monitor stock levels. Built-in notifications, reports, and dashboards offer easy tracking of slow-moving items or safety stock levels. All previous activities remain visible for each unique Account Location, ensuring the historical data is preserved. You can use this historical data, in collaboration with our Business Analyst, to analyze trends and optimize future projects while timely destroying slow-moving items.


Once the POS materials are handed over to our merchandisers, they go to work. The materials are placed on the store floor, and through a ‘survey,’ the merchandiser answers pre-agreed questions. At the same time, a “proof of work” is completed with a photo of the material placed in the store. The client immediately has access to the final results for each store once the survey is completed.

In short, we offer our clients as much visibility and control as they desire. Want us to handle certain tasks related to the POS? For example, placing reorders of materials? We can take care of it!

If you’d like to have POS materials placed in-store and have the preparation handled by our warehouse team, let’s explore the possibilities together. Call us at 072-5413939 or email
